Ps3 Cfw 4.75 Deutsch

Ps3 rebug 4.75 dex spoof 4.78 dex / deutsch tutorial mrhdmodz. loading ps3 cfw rebug 4.78.2 rex | d-rex cobra 7.3 - duration: 24:38.. Key 4.75 (start games with keys 4.70 eboot / sprx) psn / sen enabled. rsod screen bypass for consoles suffering from rsod bt remote ps3 patch ps3 bluray disc patch compatibility with the latest version of reactpsn app_home / ps3_game * install package files * ability to downgrade from ofw 3:55 with qa activated. upgradable from any cfw's. Korean developer joonie from team rebug released yesterday the long awaited 4.75 rebug cfw for the playstation 3. this has probably the coolest features for it but take yourself a look at the.

PS3 4.70 Jailbreak | Doovi

Ps3 4.70 jailbreak | doovi

Ps3 downloads the latest rebug 4.82 cfws for retail unit (must be minimum factory fw version 3.56 and below) rebug_4.82.2_rex_ps3updat.pup – 6eead68f81a66502294fd329d4087106. Information - this ps3 jailbreak has been updated and tested as of 2018 and works on all ps3 original firmware's 4.82 and below. introduction – ps3 jailbreak. Latest rebug firmware builds d-rex cobra 7.55 edition – install on dex ps3 system rebug 4.82.1 d-rex edition copyright 2018 codename: rebug.

ps3 cfw 4.75 deutsch

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